Principal's Message

Director of Academy

S. D. Mishra


Maitreya School

Hearty welcome to you at the Maitreya School, B. Deoghar!

The whole idea behind establishing this place of learning is to establish a continuous dialogue between the teachers and the taught, mentors and the pupil, to create an inducive environment for knowledge to dawn upon. Maitreya has evolved over years into a place of learning where you can feel the warmth of knowledge and not merely the pressure of information. We have felt as a teacher, a parent & guardians that all the children, although in the same age group, in the same class room, are quite different in their approach, their skills-set, their perception, their interests, and hence they require different approaches to tackle their curiosity.
At the same time I feel learning must be a very dynamic and live process rather than a typed one. We put the child in a situation to respond, we provide them an environment to unfold their potential, we provide them tools but they have to develop their way of using them. In short, the whole system of schooling at Maitreya is to make the child curious, ignited and lots and lot of questions to pop up in their mind. We also learn, we walk together, we also grow and earn the real pleasure of togetherneas with a bright, upcoming, responsible world citizen in making.