
Our Mission

We provide high quality Education services

To develop and empower the child to learn and succeed in a fun and safe environment, preserving their Indian heritage.

With Every Passing Day, We tend to provide a conducive atmosphere for the overall development of our students by equipping the staff and the parent.

Quality child education

Our Vision

Our vision lies in the motto of MAITREYA SCHOOL "App Deepo Bhava" It literally means "BE ENLIGTENED YOURSELVES" Our School's Education System fosters the natural process of self-motivated & self-dependent learning, in which the children learn just as they play. They do make errors and rectify them themselves. This inculcates a sense of responsibility and self- confidence in them.

Our Academia

Cuddles : Play Group

Preamble :

To make all kids coming from different backgrounds homely & comfortable in a new environment, we first bring up each of them specifically on the common platform by initialization.

Objective :
To endow each child with a joyous experience of the smooth transition from informal learning at home to a formal environment at the kindergarten with cheer and enthusiasm.

Age Group : 2.5 - 3.5 Years
Duration : 3 hours per day

Key Areas in the Curriculum :

  • Awareness of Self and Others
  • Awareness of Surroundings
  • Sensory & CognitiveDevelopment
  • Eye-Hand Co-ordination
  • Development of Gross & Fine Motor Skills
  • Inculcating Communication Skills
  • Self-Expression and Conversation
  • Inculcating Positive Peer Interactions
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Development of Healthy Habits, Hygiene & Sanitation
  • Concept Formations (Colours, Shapes, Size & Weight,Hot & Cold, Hard & Soft, Sharp & Blunt)
  • Emergent Writing with Stroke Formation
  • Pattern Making

Activities :

  • Conversation
  • Introduction (Self & Others)
  • Interactions with Peers
  • Friends Making
  • Team Making
  • Circle Time
  • Indoor & Outdoor Play
  • Montessori Toys to Develop Gross as well as Fine Motor Skills
  • Sensory Time
  • Games & Play
  • Recitations (Mono, Double, Words, Sentences, Rhymes & Songs, Real Time, Theme-Based etc.)

Foundation : Nursery

Preamble :
Quality education in the early years of a child sets a firm foundation for his or / her later development. The nursery curriculum provides the right array of activities to help children move toward achieving their early learning goals.

Objective :
To satisfy the quest of inquisitive young minds by channelizing their potential to foster holistic development.

Age Group : 3.5 to 4.5 Years
Duration : 4 hours per day

In Nursery, children are engaged in school readiness activities such as reading, writing, counting, number recognition, and problem-solving in a fun-filled but purposeful manner. Children are encouraged to corroborate their learning through collaborative activities in the areas of dramatics, science, and arts.

Key Areas in the Curriculum :

  • Concept Formations (Distance, Length, Width, Thickness & Height)
  • Concept Formation - Time (Theme-Based)
  • Emergent Writing with Stroke Formation
  • Pattern Making
  • Expression through Art
  • Language Readiness
  • Emergent Reading
  • Learning Numbers
  • Development of Healthy Habits, Hygiene & Sanitation
  • Nascent Etiquettes& Discipline

Activities Involved:

  • Health and hygiene
  • Doctors’ visits
  • Educational trips
  • Pleasure Trips (picnic, toy-train ride, horse-cart ride etc.)
  • Science & Arts Exhibitions
  • Summer Workshop
  • Workshop for Parents & Teachers
  • Gardening / Organic plantation
  • Nature awareness activities

Stepping Stone : K.G (Kinder Garden)
Preamble :
The transition from preschool to primary school is a crucial time of change for both children as well as their parents. At MaitreyaKIds the Kindergarten (K.G.) curriculum ensures a smooth transition to formal schooling with meaningful and progressive learning experiences. Objective :
To identify and garner the unique talent of every child by providing appropriate exposure and support, thereby aiding the child to gain excellence and expertise in the various skill areas.

Age Group : 4.5 - 5.5 Years
Duration : 4 hours per day

Key Areas in the Curriculum :

  • Reading & Learning Words
  • Writing Words
  • Learning & Writing Numbers
  • Nurturing Curiosity
  • Learning by Experimentation
  • Learning by Exploration
  • Etiquette & Discipline
  • Development of Healthy Habits, Hygiene & Sanitation
  • Safety Rules - Dos & Don'ts (Home, Road & School)
  • Protection of Self & Others


  • Lectures by Visiting / Guest Lectues on Relevant Topics
  • Doctors’ visits
  • Educational trips
  • Pleasure Trips (picnic, toy-train ride, horse-cart ride etc.)
  • Science & Arts Exhibitions
  • Summer Workshop
  • Workshop for Parents & Teachers
  • Gardening / Organic plantation
  • Nature awareness activities

Preamble :
At the Primary stage, the ‘PLAY-WAY’ methodology continues to be adopted up to Class II in order to sustain the zest for learning, which is succeeded by the READING & LEARNING at later stages.

Objective : The students in this age-group are supposed to have the highest LEARNING-RATE curve. At Maitreya School, we strive to keep the curve upright all along. Thus, they come out on sound footing

CURRICULUM : CBSE based curriculum.
The curriculum is theme-based to amalgamate various subjects into a common base linked to the practical aspects of life. This gives the students a holistic view and allows them to apply the knowledge and correlate various subjects to real-life situations in their own way. Thus, their originality is untampered. Understanding basic concepts of language and numbers thus giving them Field Trips, Nature Walks, Celebrations of Festivals, Topic-based Projects, and Science Experiments form a regular and integral part of learning through doing.

Judicious selection of books together with the work-books makes the entire reading & learning process quite engaging and rewarding. We strive to keep each student’s learning curves upright all along by adopting measures of sorts..

Projects & Activities are intended to enhance students’ learning in alternative ways, bring in variety & creativity, boost interest and broaden their reach & outlook apart from the constructive & productive engagements.

Preamble :
The students in the Secondary Wing are of utmost importance. This period of five years provides students the opportunity to make up any shortfall in academics from the previous years, on one hand, it Even for Senior Students, we make learning a pleasure by a blend of a multi-faceted strategy & multi-pronged activities.

Objective :
To stimulate young minds and foster their holistic development by nurturing their potential and empowering them to emerge as endearing, committed credible, and virtuous personalities.

Curriculum : CBSE based curriculum.
At the Secondary stage, while introducing any new subject or topic, its usage, importance and the scope are deliberated first to arouse interest & curiosity. This makes the entire discourse later on understood and appreciated well, which paves the way for further explorations by the students themselves.

Join Us ! Be a Maitreyan !

We provide a stimulating early learning and child care experience which promotes each child’s social/emotional, physical and cognitive development.